
October Meetup

RSVP on Meetup

Date & Time

  • 24th October
  • 3:00pm to 5:30pm


Ramanujan Auditorium,
C.I.T Campus, 4th Cross Street,
Tharamani, Chennai.

Location map: http://www.google.com/maps?q=12.994337,80.247170


  • Postgresql Explain (20 min)

  • Introduction to pgcli and mycli (20 min)

  • Networking Tea Break by Zilogic Systems (30 min)

  • Image Processing Using OpenCV (20 min)

  • Pretty Printing in Python (20 min)

  • Lightning Talks (20 min)

  • Discussions (20 min)


Postgresql Explain

Speaker: Abishek

Postgres Explain is an interesting starting point to understand how the Postgresql database approaches queries. It gives us insights into its various algorithms, use of indexing and general trade-offs. In this talk I try walking thought various examples of explain, and pick up some quick lessons.

Slides: http://slides.com/zerothabhishek/postgresql-explain

Introduction to pgcli and mycli

Speaker: Amjith Ramanujan

Pgcli is a modern command line interface for Postgresql database that can do auto-completion of sql statements and syntax highlighting. This talk will be a walkthrough of the tool and introduce the various libraries that made this tool possible. Mycli is the mysql equivalent of pgcli. Both the tools are open source and they are written in Python.

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/amjith/modern-command-line

Image Processing Using OpenCV

Speaker: Haripriya Baskar

In this talk, I will be presenting my project on image processing using OpenCV for clinical GAIT Analysis. OpenCV is popular computer vision library for image and video processing in real-time.

Pretty Printing in Python

Speaker: Shakthi Kannan

This talk shares the experience of creating a part from an art using Printrun and Skeinforge with the Prusia i3 3D printer. MTConnect standard is used to obtain data from the 3D printer. I shall also address the challenges in validating the printed object ("Part to Art") using Python tools.

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