Shrayas: Opened the meeting with house keeping notes. Set the context of meetup.
Understanding Python iterators, generators, by Ranjith:
- Walked us through Iterators and Generators:
- Internals
- Different ways to implement the Iterators and generators.
- Use case of implementing one.
- Use of yield.
- Use of Generator expressions vs list comprehension and its memory aspects.
- Shrayas: hinted about use of Sage library for math.
Tea Break and Networking sponsored by UnnatiData Labs
Building Scalable data science platform, by Nischal and Raghotham of UnnatiData labs
- Briefed us on:
- Data engineering solution
- Data sources
- data driven(Why and What)
- 80/20 rule; 80% work on Data engineering, Feature selection and wide format 20% Modeling and Algo; Scalability
- Communicating(Visual) the insights and exposing the data through API
- Data science at scale: Using Luigi(Python built) for work load automation.
- Scalable predictive models using Spark, Sklearn, Data Velocity.
- Data science stack
- Data store
- Open source project at
Submitting your Packages to PyPI, by Srini
- Walked us through:
- What is PyPi
- How to create a package
- What the contains
- How Pip is used with PyPi.
- How to register, upload a package with PyPi
- How to pull from github and install your package as part of pip installation.
- PyPiServer open source app for local installation from github.
Lightning talks
Primer on DevOps, by Venkata Krishnan (Venkat)
Breifed on why and what DevOps is all about. How the People, Process and Products(tools) and put together to acheive optmized software delivery and value flow to business.
Tweetpy Library, by ?
Used for clustering and for quick and small API integration with Twitter.
Shrayas: Use to register for mailing list. Feel free to voluneteer Encouraged to take part in coding dojo to get a different experience.