July Meet Minutes

Yet another Chennaipy meetup with huge audience from different background. This time RSVP hit was 128. Good too see lot of people came. Vijay started with an introduction about the meetup. Vijay this time used slides for meetup agenda. Vijay explained clearly that meetup won't teach Python but it gives pointers to various topics in Python and how they are used. So he insisted everyone to note down what they don't understand in a talk and Google it to learn that.

Automating testing using selenium


As usual Vengat's favorite topic automation software using Python. He gave a talk on how they used selenium to upload Interview test exercise to Cloud Coder. He faced a problem that Cloud Coder has no element ID to locate elements. He solved it using XPath.

Data Science 101


Gaurav gave a talk on how Pandas Numpy and Scikit Learn is used in data science. He analyzed various data based on Titanic disaster data. If I am right he uploaded the code to kaggle to know how much accurate his prediction.

Building Git From Scratch

Vijay Kumar

Vijay Kumar built a tiny Git and showed us how Git works. In fact the talk gave a broad view of how version control system works. He incrementally explained the implementation of tiny git. He changed the actual git command to tig (the reverse of it :-)) He stopped the talk at version 2 of tiny-git and left it to audience to read themselves. His git repository for tiny git Tiny GIT

The beauty that is PostgreSQL - Part 1

Shrayas Karthik

Shrayas and Karthick gave a combined presentation on PostgresSQL.

First Karthick gave his presentation on how rows are inserted in to PostgresSQL DB. He explained Python code snippets for PostgresSQL queries.

Next Shrayas explained why we should use PostgreSQL. The interesting thing is how he is developing such a wonderful presentation. I was amazed to see the templates he used for his presentation. He explained the simplicity and speed of PostgreSQL DB. He compared it with traditional database like MySQL.

Lightning Talk



Yogeswaran shared his experience about Python podcast called Talk Python to me



Rajkumar shared his journey to develop a software for Automobile industry from a non IT background. He quit TataMotors and started learning lot of languages to choose a language for his product. He researched almost 18 languages. He found that he is getting stuck at some point on all those 18 languages. He met once Kenneth Gonsalves and told about his problem. He suggested to use Python. After that he never stuck in his product development using Python. The beauty of this talk is the way he narrated the entire story five minutes with lot of enthusiasm.

Group Photo

Group Photo

Meeting minutes contributed by Rengaraj.

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